Thursday, February 27, 2014

New Beginnings

Starting a blog is an awkward process. A little disclaimer: I've been through it three times now, and each time, I've failed to avoid turning my introductory post into a profile. My track record aside, here goes nothing.

I ditched my old blog for a number of reasons, the primary reason being that 21-year-old me has a difficult time not vomiting from embarrassment whenever I read the ramblings of 17 and 18 and 19-year-old me.

17-year-old me was incessantly whiny and found ways to exaggerate almost every situation through the gross misuse of the word "literally" and the gross overuse of ellipses after EVERY SENTENCE. 18-year-old me most likely needed therapy and, upon review, definitely needed therapy supplemented with Xanax. Lots of Xanax.

Thankfully, 19-year-old me demonstrated some degree of maturity by frequently acknowledging that 18-year-old me's behavior was inexcusable.  But that faint glimmer of manhood faded as 19-year-old me suddenly grew ovaries and went on an estrogen-fueled descent into depression and poorly structured poetry that no amount of Hershey's Special Dark could quell.

Then, before 19-year-old me has time to post any choreography to Sarah McLachlan's greatest hits CD, something strange happens.  20-year-old David begins to write.  Really, actually, truly write some things that have some meaning and depth and, dare I say it, thought to them.  I wrote with direction, and I wrote when I was moved, and I wrote like someone who'd finally grown up.

Looking back, it's very encouraging to see how I've grown, but as with growing up, you learn to move on.  Despite the pride I feel in reviewing the gradually maturing archives of thoughts I've expressed through the years, it was holding me back psychologically and creatively.  And that's where this blog comes in, a new place to detach 21-year-old David from all those younger personas and write like man, so to speak.  I can feel my mom's eyes rolling already.

I'm hoping to use this blog as a "Chapter 2" of sorts for the next phase in my life. I'm soon to be married to the love of my life and best friend, Molly, after whom this blog is named. I'm a semester away from graduating college and beginning a career beyond school.  There's exciting stuff headed my way, and I'm itching to write all about it.